
How Does Wilde Poke Fun At Victorian Society In The Passage? Check All That Apply.

Asked by: Binod Yadavalli
asked in category: General Last Updated: 3rd April, 2020

What is the quote in The Importance of Being Earnest?

"In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing." "I never change, except in my affections." "Never speak disrespectfully of Society, Algernon. Only people who can't get into it do that."

Check all that apply. ". . . in married life three is company and two is none." "Well, if you want to know, Cecily happens to be my aunt."

Subsequently, question is, what are some symbols in The Importance of Being Earnest? Food. Food and scenes of eating appear frequently in The Importance of Being Earnest, and they are almost always sources of conflict. Act I contains the extended cucumber sandwich joke, in which Algernon, without realizing it, steadily devours all the sandwiches.

Just so, what is ironic about Lady Bracknell saying to speak frankly?

What is ironic about Lady Bracknell saying, "To speak frankly, I am not in favor of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable" (p.

What is a Bunburyist in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Bunbury is a fictional invalid that Algernon makes up so that he has a ready excuse whenever he wishes to get out of any social commitment, particularly when he would like to escape to the country.

35 Related Question Answers Found

How is the importance of being earnest a satire?

The importance of being earnest by Oscar Wilde uses satire to ridicule the cultural norms of marriage love and mind-set which were very rigid during the Victorian Age. The Importance of Being Earnest focuses on two main couples, Jack and Gwendolen and Algernon and Cecily.

How is irony used in The Importance of Being Earnest?

Situational irony involves a situation where an outcome is different than what you might expect. The irony comes into play when the truth starts to unravel and Jack finds out what really happened to him as a child and why he does not know his parents.

What does the truth is rarely pure and never simple mean?

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." JACK: When one is placed in the position of guardian, one has to adopt a very high moral tone on all subjects. ALGERNON: The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibility!

What is the difference between epigram and aphorism?

Confusion arises because the two words are related in meaning. They both reflect some truth about life. An aphorism is a short, witty statement that usually reflects some truth about life. An epigram is a short poem that also expresses some truth, but it might have a sarcastic or humorous tone.

What is ironic about Cecily's statement?

What is ironic about Gwendolen's statement that Jack has "become someone else"? his background and parentage. On the other hand, he has indeed become a different person—Ernest Moncrieff instead of Jack Worthing, and Algernon's brother.

Why do Gwendolen and Cecily want to marry an earnest?

Both Gwendolen and Cecily want to marry a man called Ernest, so it is important for Jack and Algernon to be named Ernest. ALSO earnest means honest, so the title stresses the importance of being honest, which Jack and Algy are not.

How realistic a character is Lady Bracknell?

Lady Bracknell is first and foremost a symbol of Victorian earnestness and the unhappiness it brings as a result. She is powerful, arrogant, ruthless to the extreme, conservative, and proper. In many ways, she represents Wilde's opinion of Victorian upper-class negativity, conservative and repressive values, and power.

Is Lady Bracknell Algernon's aunt?

Lady Bracknell: The aunt of Algernon and the mother of Gwendolen, Lady Bracknell is a respected member of the English aristocracy. She refuses to allow her daughter to marry Jack because he does not have a suitable family history.

What changes Lady Bracknell's opinion of Cecily?

When she finds out that the girl is extremely wealthy, Lady Bracknell's attitude toward Cecily changes and she gives consent for her and Algernon to marry. But Jack, as Cecily's guardian, refuses to give his consent unless Lady Bracknell allows him to marry Gwendolen. Lady Bracknell wants nothing to do with it.

Why do Cecily and Gwendolen keep diaries?

Gwendolen and Cecily both keep a diary, which they believe would pretty much stand up in a court of law as proof of whatever they say. In the end, Cecily does have to make do with an "Algernon." So we guess Gwendolen wins since she alone ends up marrying an "Ernest."

How Does Wilde Poke Fun At Victorian Society In The Passage? Check All That Apply.


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