
Microsoft HoloLens 3 is reportedly dead

Microsoft HoloLens iii is reportedly dead

HoloLens in action
(Epitome credit: Microsoft)

Vii years afterwards Microsoft unveiled the HoloLens AR headset during E3 2015, the future of the in one case-promising mixed reality headset is in uncertainty. A report claims that the next version of HoloLens has already been tabled, and information technology'southward unclear what Microsoft'due south next step will be.

The damning report from Business organisation Insider paints a picture of disarray behind the scenes. According to the publication, the HoloLens 3 was scrapped back in the centre of last twelvemonth, amid internal conflict among the HoloLens team.

1 faction believed HoloLens should be geared toward consumers while the other believed information technology should exist focused on enterprise and the military machine. Microsoft's decision to partner with Samsung to build the headset had also caused segmentation among the squad.

Hololens 2

(Prototype credit: Future)

The report also says that at least 25 Microsoft mixed reality employees left the company to join Facebook'due south Meta in 2021. It'south possible the actual number may be more than 100 employees. According to 1 employee, the entire HoloLens initiative has been a "south**t testify."

Microsoft's Frank Shaw, however, said HoloLens is a "critical office of [the company'southward] plans for emerging categories like mixed reality and the metaverse." Shaw as well added: "We remain committed to HoloLens and futurity HoloLens development."

According to the Business concern Insider report, Ruben Caballero, the former Apple tree executive Microsoft hired to lead HoloLens' engineering team in 2020, wanted to focus on consumers and the metaverse. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also expressed his want to make software for the metaverse – no matter who was making AR or VR hardware.

HoloLens headset in action

(Image credit: Future)

HoloLens was announced during a time when gaming VR was merely starting to gain traction with devices like the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. The HoloLens E3 demo suggested Microsoft wanted the Augmented Reality (AR) headset to be more just a gaming device.

Since then, HoloLens has been used by different tech companies and the United states military. However, Microsoft's gaming plans for the device never spawned annihilation consumers could buy at a store. Now, it seems that the company won't pursue AR/VR gaming, at least with the HoloLens.

Though HoloLens 3 may be dead, information technology's doubtful Microsoft will completely abandon the AR/VR space, peculiarly if it plans to push frontwards with whatever its plans are for the metaverse. Of course, that could be a problem on its ain because most people don't even know what the heck the metaverse is all most. It'll be interesting to encounter how (or if) Microsoft'south metaverse initiative will pan out or if people will even care virtually it. The metaverse could end up as expressionless as HoloLens, merely that's a story for some other day.

Tony is a computing writer at Tom'south Guide covering laptops, tablets, Windows, and iOS. During his off-hours, Tony enjoys reading comic books, playing video games, reading speculative fiction novels, and spending too much time on Twitter. His non-nerdy pursuits involve attending Hard Rock/Heavy Metal concerts and going to NYC confined with friends and colleagues. His work has appeared in publications such as Laptop Mag, PC Mag, and various independent gaming sites.


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